Inside your larynx are your vocal cords, which are two folds of mucus membrane that cover muscle and cartilage. When you speak, the vocal cords open and close smoothly, forming sounds with their movements and vibrations. Laryngitis describes inflammation of the larynx that causes problems with your voice.
What Are the Symptoms of Laryngitis?
In most cases, symptoms of laryngitis last less than a couple of weeks. Common symptoms include:
Weak voice
Loss of voice
Throat tickle
Raw/sore throat
Dry cough
What Causes Laryngitis?
Laryngitis may be acute or chronic, which tend to have different underlying causes.
Acute Laryngitis
Symptoms of acute laryngitis typically resolve once you get over the underlying condition. Causes include:
Viral infections like the common cold
Vocal strain caused by yelling or overusing your voice
Bacterial infections (less common)
Chronic Laryngitis
Laryngitis that lasts longer than three weeks is considered chronic. Chronic laryngitis can cause vocal cord strain, injuries and growths on the vocal cords, and can be caused by:
Inhaling irritants like chemical fumes, smoke or allergens
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Chronic sinusitis
Excessive alcohol use
Habitual voice overuse (common in singers)
More rarely, chronic laryngitis can be caused by:
Bacterial or fungal infections
Certain parasites
Vocal cord paralysis
Bowing of vocal cords
How Is Laryngitis Treated?
Your doctor may first recommend home remedies for your laryngitis, including:
Using a humidifier at home and work
Resting your voice as much as possible
Drinking lots of fluids, avoiding alcohol and caffeine
Moistening your throat with lozenges, gargling salt water or chewing gum
Avoiding decongestants, which can cause dryness
Avoiding whispering, which strains the voice more than normal speech
If home remedies are ineffective, your doctor may try medications, such as:
Antibiotics, only when laryngitis is caused by a bacterial infection
Corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, only when there is an urgent need to treat the condition
For more information about diagnosing or treating laryngitis, call the experts at Topeka ENT today.