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Are Allergies Causing You to Snore?

There are many factors that can cause you to snore, including your mouth anatomy, alcohol consumption, nasal issues, sleep quantity and sleep position. One potential cause you may not suspect, especially at this time of year, is allergies.

What Allergens Are in My Bedroom?

While most people think of hay fever when they think of allergies, there are potential allergens all around you, including in your bedroom. Most commonly, the source is dust mites or pet dander.

Dust gathers every day in our households due to flaking skin. The allergen is not actually the dust itself, but the dust mites it attracts. The waste they produce contains proteins that are a major cause of allergy symptoms in humans. And one of those symptoms could be snoring.

How Does an Allergic Reaction Cause Snoring?

During an allergic reaction, the membranes lining the nose become swollen and inflamed, causing a blocked nose.

If your nose is blocked during sleep…

  1. Nasal breathing becomes noisy, creating sounds like whistling, popping and rumbling.

  2. Breathing through a blocked nose creates a suction that narrows the upper airway, producing a typical soft palate snore.

  3. If it becomes impossible to breathe through your blocked nose, you instead breathe through your mouth, changing your face shape, narrowing your airway and triggering snoring.

Tips for Ridding Your Home of Allergens

If your snoring is affecting your sleep or bothering your partner, ridding your home of allergens may help.

  1. Vacuum often, even in the nooks in crannies you usually overlook. Clean your vacuum regularly and change the filter as necessary.

  2. Wash your bedding regularly in hot water.

  3. Install an air purifier to rid your home of microscopic allergens.

  4. Flip and clean your mattress every six months. You can also purchase an allergen-proof protector.

  5. Install roller blinds instead of curtains. Clean these regularly.

  6. Rearrange your room and clean up under all the furniture. While this may agitate dust and increase symptoms for a day or two, it is better in the long run.

For more information about allergies or snoring, or to schedule an appointment with the ear, nose and throat experts, call Topeka ENT today.

Learn More About Allergies and Sleep Health

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